Monday, October 12, 2015

MAD DOG a.k.a Punymurtula Kidhore MD and Lil Dog a.k.a. Carl Smith L.M.H.C. are responsible for the death of Eleanor Clark of Weston , Massachusetts.
Just look at what happen to James Clark .
James Clark was a client at the same address where the Director/Manager Carl Smith resided at ,50 Draper Street in Dorchester MA. Carl Smith is suppose to be a state licensed Mental Health Clinician , If so , than why did he discharge James Clark ? James clark never tested postive for a toxicology screen for illegal or prescription drugs, than why was he discharged ?
He was discharged for behavioral and attitude problems that were related to his psychiatric and substance abuse diagnosis. Carl Smith L.M.H.C. should have been able to detect that this man had psychological problems and referred him for treatment to MAD DOG aka Punyamurtula Kishore s Neurological Clinic for treatment and to help James Clark get back on his psychiatric medication. Instead , Carl Smith discharged him and the following day , James Clark murdered his 81 year old grandmother Eleanor Clark in Weston Massachusetts ,Carl Smith collected his program fee and MAD DOG billed his insurance company


  1. Punyamurtula Kishore MD aka MAD DOG , Pedophile and MA State registered Level 1 Sex Offender .
    There is no National Library of Addictions in Massachusetts or anywhere in the United States , The library has never existed , except on paper , Punyamurtula Kishore MD aka MAD DOG is a liar and a fraud .
    Punyamurtula Kishore MD aka Mad Dog Millionaire has been suspended from
    several Boston and greater Boston Hospitals for sexual misconduct with
    male patients . Check MA Medical reg. for order . Punyamurtula Kishore
    aka Mad Dog Millionaire has admitted himself to Mcleans hospital in
    Belmont , Massachusetts for sex addiction and erectile sexual
    dysfunction .
    If you want to live , donot seek help from Dr. Punyamurtula Kishore MD
    aka Mad Dog Millionaire . Dr Kishore is a Quack . Many of his patients
    relapse and die , His Treatment protocols give his patients a false
    sense of hope and he continues to get rich at the expense of death .
    Preventive Medicine Associates formerly Addiction Medicine Associates is
    a Death Camp
    Punyamurtula Kishore MD aka MAD DOG Millionaire is a Fraud. There is no
    National Library of Addictions. He exploits his patients with titles of
    Ambassadors of the NLA . These poor people disclose information about
    thier addictions to the media to only benefit Dr. Kishore.
    He hires employees and uses them for thier professional knowledge and
    experience to enhance his business and then he lays them off or fires
    them . Many of his patients relapse and die . His home detox protocol
    does not work and he bills his patients medical Insurance companies . He
    pays kickback money to the Directors of Sober and Halfway houses. His
    company Preventive Medicine Associate formerly (Addiction Medicine
    Associates) is under investigation for medical insurance fraud .
    He uses and exploits the young , impressionable and naive employees of
    his company . He increases his patient pool by referring patients from
    St. Elizabeths S.E.C.A.P. substance abuse program to Preventive Medicine
    Associates . He submits medical bills for reimbursements of patients
    that were never seen or examined. He prescribes Vivitrol to all of his
    patients who seek treatment for Substance Abuse

  2. Steps to the Crack House aka Steps to Solutions Peter McCarthy of Steps to Solutions is a Liar and Crook .He accepted kickback money from MAD DOG MILLIONAIRE aka Punyamurtula Kishore MD , who was recently convicted for medical insurance fraud . Peter McCarthy relapesed in 2009 , and he has not been clean for 15 years . Dr Kishore fired him from his company because he showed up to collect tox screens nodding after using opiates. He collected the tox screens and left them at the sober house, Do not trust him he is a dangerous man
    Peter McCarthy of Steps to Solutions is a Liar and Crook .He accepted kickback money from MAD DOG MILLIONAIRE aka Punyamurtula Kishore MD , who was recently convicted by a for medical insurance fraud . Peter McCarthy relapesed in 2009 , and he has not been clean for 15 years . Dr Kishore fired him from his company because he showed up to collect tox screens nodding after using opiates. He collected the tox screens and left them at the sober house, Do not trust him he is a dangerous man. PETER MCCARTHY IS THE BIGGEST JOKE IN THE SOBER HOUSE BUSINESS . HE IS GIVING THIS BUSINESS A BAD REPUTATION . HE IS A FAKE AND A PATHOLODGICAL LIAR. THE HOUSES HE OPERATE ARE INFESTED WITH ROACHES AND MICE . THERE ARE NO WASHERS OR DRYERS . THE PLACES ARE LOCATED IN DRUG AND CRIME INFESTED NEIGHBORHOODS. MANY CLIENTS HAVE RELAPSED AND DIED OR ARRESTED FOR TRAFFICKING DRUGS OUT HIS HOUSES . IF YOU DO NOT BELIEVE IT , TRY LIVING IN ONE OF HIS HOUSES. POLICE ARE CONSTANTLY AT HIS HOUSES ARRESTING PEOPLE. PLEASE DONOT PUT YOUR LIFE IN HIS HANDS.
