Saturday, November 28, 2015
Friday, November 27, 2015
The mysterious National Library of Addictions
The mysterious National Library of Addictions , MAD DOG a.k.a. Punyamurtula S. Kishore MD
Of all the libraries in all the world, which is the most addictive — and the most mysterious? Perhaps it’s The National Library of Addictions.
This addictive entity is located in Brookline, Massachusetts. Founded by Punyamurtula S. Kishore, M.D., M.P.H a.k.a. MAD DOG it is said (by itself) to be “an intellectual gathering place for health care professionals and community members.”
The institution is little known to the library-loving public, and information about it is scarce.
Many questions present themselves. What addictions are kept in the library’s collection, and which of them are available for use by the public? Which of these addictions can be taken out on loan? Is there a children’s room, or is the library open only to adults?
Bibliophiles note with pleasure that the library, in addition to its many other fine attributes, may, possibly, own some books.
The mysterious National Library of Addictions
This addictive entity is located in Brookline, Massachusetts. Founded by Punyamurtula S. Kishore, M.D., M.P.H a.k.a. MAD DOG it is said (by itself) to be “an intellectual gathering place for health care professionals and community members.”
The institution is little known to the library-loving public, and information about it is scarce.
Many questions present themselves. What addictions are kept in the library’s collection, and which of them are available for use by the public? Which of these addictions can be taken out on loan? Is there a children’s room, or is the library open only to adults?
Bibliophiles note with pleasure that the library, in addition to its many other fine attributes, may, possibly, own some books.
MAD DOG a.k.a Punymurtula Kishore MD and Lil Dog a.k.a. Carl Smith L.M.H.C. are responsible for the death of Eleanor Clark of Weston , Massachusetts.
MAD DOG a.k.a Punymurtula Kishore MD and Lil Dog a.k.a. Carl Smith L.M.H.C. are responsible for the death of Eleanor Clark of Weston , Massachusetts.
Just look at what happen to James Clark .
James Clark was a client at the same address where the Director/Manager Carl Smith resided at ,New Horizon House , 50 Draper Street in Dorchester MA. Carl Smith is suppose to be a state licensed Mental Health Clinician , If so , than why did he discharge James Clark ? James clark never tested postive for a toxicology screen for illegal or prescription drugs, than why was he discharged ?
He was discharged for behavioral and attitude problems that were related to his psychiatric and substance abuse diagnosis. Carl Smith L.M.H.C. should have been able to detect that this man had psychological problems and referred him for treatment to MAD DOG aka Punyamurtula Kishore s Neurological Clinic for treatment and to help James Clark get back on his psychiatric medication. Instead , Carl Smith discharged him and the following day , James Clark murdered his 81 year old grandmother Eleanor Clark in Weston Massachusetts .
Punyamurtula Kishore MD aka MAD DOG Millionaire referred James Clark to Carl Smith s Program New Horizon House after James Clark was Discharged from St. Elizabeths Hospital s S.E.C.A.P. s Detoxification unit. Punyamurtula Kishore aka MAD DOG had a Contract with Carl Smith to provide New Horizon clients with Medical and Mental health Treatment. No treatment was provided except for toxicology screens . Carl Smith collected his program fee and MAD DOG billed his insurance company. What a shame !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just look at what happen to James Clark .
James Clark was a client at the same address where the Director/Manager Carl Smith resided at ,New Horizon House , 50 Draper Street in Dorchester MA. Carl Smith is suppose to be a state licensed Mental Health Clinician , If so , than why did he discharge James Clark ? James clark never tested postive for a toxicology screen for illegal or prescription drugs, than why was he discharged ?
He was discharged for behavioral and attitude problems that were related to his psychiatric and substance abuse diagnosis. Carl Smith L.M.H.C. should have been able to detect that this man had psychological problems and referred him for treatment to MAD DOG aka Punyamurtula Kishore s Neurological Clinic for treatment and to help James Clark get back on his psychiatric medication. Instead , Carl Smith discharged him and the following day , James Clark murdered his 81 year old grandmother Eleanor Clark in Weston Massachusetts .
Punyamurtula Kishore MD aka MAD DOG Millionaire referred James Clark to Carl Smith s Program New Horizon House after James Clark was Discharged from St. Elizabeths Hospital s S.E.C.A.P. s Detoxification unit. Punyamurtula Kishore aka MAD DOG had a Contract with Carl Smith to provide New Horizon clients with Medical and Mental health Treatment. No treatment was provided except for toxicology screens . Carl Smith collected his program fee and MAD DOG billed his insurance company. What a shame !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MAD DOG aka PUNYAMURTULA KISHORE MD 2020 I was in a AA meeting once and the speaker mentioned Dr Kishore, and the entire room erupted into laughter. I saw him back in the late 90s and he was a quack then. He was FAR from free. He had been fined years ago because when you sat in his waiting room (an hour was considered quick) he'd bill the insurance co's for that time. Then once you saw him he'd tell you what a great guy he was for working with addicts. Ive been clean for over 10 years now and those professionals who really helped me were ones that didnt need to continiously pat themselves on the back. Addicts are a nightmare to work with, and I commend all those that put up with it all to help those in need. But theres no way you're ever going to convince me Kishore was one of those people
Brookline Doctor MAD DOG Pleads Guilty, Sentenced to Jail and Ordered to Pay $9.3 Million for Running Medicaid Kickback and False Billing Scheme
Dr. MAD DOG Kishore to Surrender Medical License, Sentenced to House of Correction Dr. MAD DOG Kishore to Surrender Medical License, Sentenced to House of Correction

MAD DOG, 64, along with his company Preventive Medicine Associates, Inc. (PMA), pleaded guilty on Monday in Suffolk Superior Court. MAD DOG and PMA pleaded guilty to charges of Medicaid Kickbacks (8 counts), Medicaid False Claims (19 counts) and Larceny over $250 (11 counts). MAD DOG pleaded guilty to one count of Larceny over $250.
MAD DOG orchestrated a complex kickback scheme to funnel a lucrative drug screening business to his laboratories and then billed taxpayers millions of dollars for those services,” AG Healey said. “This case exhibited blatant theft of state funds that were supposed to go toward care for some of our most vulnerable residents. This is fraud that undermines the integrity of our health care system.”
Today, Superior Court Judge Janet Sanders sentenced MAD DOG to 360 days in the House of Correction, with 11 months to serve and the balance suspended for 10 years. As a condition to his sentence, Kishore has also agreed to surrender his medical license. Judge Sanders also ordered Kishore and PMA to pay, jointly and severally, a total of $9.3 million in restitution.
Dr. MAD DOG previously owned and managed PMA, a network of 29 medical branches throughout Massachusetts, including physician office laboratories and one independent clinical laboratory. Based on the AG’s investigation,
MAD DOG used bribes, or kickbacks, to induce sober house owners to send their residents’ urine drug screening business to his laboratories for testing. Residents were typically screened three times per week.
A urine drug screen may be billed to MassHealth by a physician if the screen is medically necessary. Drug screens generally are billed to the MassHealth program for approximately $100 to $200. manipulated his business relationships with sober house owners to illegally obtain tens of thousands of drug screens paid for by MassHealth for sober house residents who were never treated by PMA providers.
In September 2011, Dr. MAD DOG and PMA were indicted, and individually charged with Medicaid Kickbacks (8 counts), and Medicaid False Claims (8 counts). In November 2013, Dr. Kishore and PMA were indicted on additional charges of Medicaid False Claims (11 counts) and Larceny over $250 (11 counts) for billing MassHealth for millions of dollars in drug screens using the names of PMA physicians and nurse practitioners who were not actually treating the patients or determining the drug screens to be medically necessary. State regulations require that the services must be medically necessary and the provider must be physically present and actively involved in the treatment of the member.
Two other individuals previously pleaded guilty to one count of Medicaid Kickbacks in connection with their involvement in Dr. MAD DOG’s scheme to defraud MassHealth. In June 2012, Damion Smith, 42, of New Jersey, president of Fresh Start Recovery Coalition, was sentenced to two years in the House of Correction suspended for two years with probation. Carl Smith, 69, of Dorchester, manager of New Horizon House, pleaded guilty in January 2015 and was sentenced to two years in the House of Correction suspended for two years with probation.
The case against Thomas Leonard of Malden, the part owner and manager of the Marshall House, a sober house located in Malden, is ongoing. John Coughlin of Carver, president of Gianna’s House Inc., which operates several sober houses located in Wareham, New Bedford, and Sandwich, began his trial today in Suffolk Superior Court.
This case, first referred to the AG's Office by MassHealth, was prosecuted by Assistant Attorneys General Angela Neal, David Scheffler, and Lee Hettinger of AG Healey’s Medicaid Fraud Division with the assistance of victim witness advocates John Malone and Amber Anderson. The case was investigated by Erica Schlain and Denise Long of the Attorney General’s Office, Massachusetts State Police assigned to the Attorney General’s Office, Examiners from AG Healey’s Computer Forensics Lab, Special Agents from the Boston Office of the United States Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Inspector General, and investigators from the Massachusetts Insurance Fraud Bureau also assisted in this case
Life sentence for Boston’s grandmother killer James Clark,former client of MAD DOG
James Clark looks up at defense attorney Brad Bailey in Middlesex Superior Court in Woburn, Mass., Wednesday, Dec. 22, 2010, where he pleaded guilty to second-degree murder for killing his elderly grandmother, Eleanor Clark, in March 2009. A Massachusetts judge has sentenced the British citizen to life in prison. (AP Photo/Ken
Life sentence for Boston’s grandmother killer
A Massachusetts judge has sentenced James Clark, a British citizen, to life in prison after he pleaded guilty to stabbing his 80-year-old grandmother to death in the affluent Boston surbub of Weston. Clark, of Boston, pleaded guilty Wednesday to second-degree murder as well as two counts of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon on a person over the age of 60. Clark has a documented history of mental illness and his grandmother, Eleanor Clark, was his caretaker and closest friend. Prosecutors say Clark entered his grandmother’s home in March 2009, an argument ensued and he hit her with a blunt object and then fatally stabbed her with a knife. Clark will be eligible for parole after 15 years. The British national has spent most of his life in the U.S.
MAD DOG'S Sandwich Drug Treatment Clinic Closes
A clinic that offered addiction treatment closed abruptly last month, creating a hole in a service that is rare enough already.
SANDWICH — A clinic that offered addiction treatment closed abruptly last month, creating a hole in a service that is rare enough already.
Primary Care Associates of Sandwich was shut down Aug. 16 and three employees were laid off without any warning during their lunch hour by the clinic's owner, Dr. Punyamurtula Kishore, according to the clinic's former medical director, Dr. Robert Friedman.
Kishore, who owns more than 30 medical clinics statewide, including three remaining on the Cape, said the Sandwich practice that he's owned since 1990 has helped a lot of people suffering from opiate addiction but was not profitable.
Treating addiction is not a lucrative sector of the medical industry, Kishore said. The clinic owner said he hopes to reopen the Sandwich facility when he finds a way to round out the practice to make it more financially viable. While most of his clinics focus on treating people with addiction, they also offer more general medical treatments that help pay the bills.
The closing of an office that has been on the front lines of opiate addiction comes at a bad time for the Cape, where addiction to the prescription painkiller oxycodone has reached epidemic levels. Police say it is the motive behind increased property crime and violence.
The 100 patients Friedman treated have been sent by an office assistant in Sandwich to Kishore's offices in West Yarmouth, Falmouth and Wareham, said Dr. Wendel Price, the doctor at Cape Cod Primary Care Associates in West Yarmouth.
But Friedman, the physician for the past two years at the Sandwich clinic, and other Kishore employees say the sudden closing in Sandwich is a bad omen for the rest of Kishore's clinics, which have been in financial peril for some time.
Working for Kishore means occasionally having your paychecks bounce, receiving eviction notices at the office because the rent has not been paid, and suffering interruptions in phone service because of unpaid office bills, Friedman and others say.
"You cannot not pay people for a whole month and expect them to keep working for you," said Caroline Riley, the former nurse manager of the Barnstable Education and Guidance Center, a Kishore clinic located on Main Street in Barnstable.
A spokesman for Kishore sent an email in response to the allegations about unpaid bills.
"Like any business, Preventative Medicines Associates is subject to ups and downs of the economic cycle," spokesman Scott Farmelant wrote. "Regardless, all agreements with vendors will be honored."
Riley recently resigned from the Barnstable counseling center, where she says 85 percent of the offenders in Barnstable County's drug court go for referrals and treatment.
She said she resigned about two weeks ago after not being paid for a month.
"Dr. Kishore has a way of breaking you," she said. "He expects a lot from you, but then he doesn't pay you. He makes you feel bad. He says, 'What about the kids? You were helping them.' He tries to tell you you're not a loyal person."
Riley worked for Kishore for four years, she said. "I believed in what I was doing, but I'm not doing this anymore," she said.
"We've all had to hound him to get paid," said Friedman, who worked for two years for Kishore. "But we all did it because we believed in what we were doing."
For patients who have been helped by Friedman, the news of the closing was devastating.
"My son had a really good rapport with Dr. Friedman," said Marjorie Hall, whose 24-year-old son is being treated for opiate addiction. "My son went through hell before he was ready to get help. He was really sick for a while."
Hall, who asked to keep her son's name unpublished, said her son's life turned around when he began to receive Vivitrol shots from Dr. Friedman four months ago.
One day he said to her, "'I'm tired of waking up each day wanting to die,'" she said.
The shots, which cost about $800 each and last a month, are covered by most insurance companies, Friedman said.
At Kishore's clinics, doctors practice a unique form of addiction treatment. They give non-narcotic medicines to stop the severe flulike symptoms that torture opiate addicts in withdrawal.
To manage long-term cravings, staff dispense Vivitrol, a form of Naltrexone that blocks opiate receptors in the brain, preventing the user from getting high from opiates such as heroin or oxycodone. Unlike long-term sobriety management drugs such as methadone, Vivitrol is not addictive.
Daniel Clausen, a West Barnstable resident who has been struggling with opiate addiction since 2007, said getting into a detox clinic can take days because there are so few facilities on the Cape.
Clausen, 26, failed to find a bed when he tried to get clean two months ago. So he began taking Vivitrol instead. That, combined with the counseling he's received from Friedman, has helped him stay drug-free.
"That's why it's so important for people like Dr. Friedman to get recognition," Clausen said.
Dr. Kishore — who received his medical degree in 1974 from Andhra University in Waltair, India, and has a 1979 master's degree in public health from the Harvard School of Public Health — said his treatments have been successful.
Friedman and Riley agree.
"The model really works," Friedman said. "My biggest fear is that all of Dr. Kishore's clinics go belly up. That will leave a huge hole and put a lot of people in crisis."
"The model is very sound," he added. "It's the business part of his practice that's in shambles."
It's true that treating addicts is labor intensive, Friedman said. Few doctors take on such patients, said Lisa Murphy, who founded Parents Helping Parents, a support group for parents of opiate addicts. The group meets Mondays at 6:30 p.m. at the Mashpee Senior Center.
"The patients are very fragile," Friedman said. "They don't take lightly to going to a different doctor and a different place. It's a very personal practice. Patients tell us their deepest, darkest secrets. ... And there's a lot of input from the family members. You have to talk to them because you very rarely get the whole story from the addict."
About 80 percent of Friedman's patients are between the ages of 17 and 25, he said.
"I am hearing great things about Dr. Friedman," Murphy said. "I know he was very dedicated to his patients and their families, including giving the parents his cellphone number and stressing to call him at any hour, any time, especially if they are in crisis."
Finding a dedicated caregiver is a key factor in successful addiction treatment. If an addict takes anything, Vivitrol, methadone or Suboxone, the chances of it working go way up if treatment comes with intense counseling, Clausen said.
Friedman, who is job hunting now, will still offer counseling to his patients free of charge on Fridays
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