Carl Smith, the 65-year-old manager of New Horizon House LLC, has been charged with participating in a fraudulent drug-screening operation. Arraigned on Friday, he pleaded not guilty and is being held on $30,000 bail. He is due back in Suffolk Superior Court on Oct. 14.
According to a court filing from the attorney general’s office, Smith has a “lengthy criminal record” dating back to 1975 when he was convicted of armed robbery. He was sentenced to three to five years in state prison. He was convicted of rape of young boys in1979 and 1989. He is a pedophile and registered level 1 sex offender.
He was also convicted of kidnapping and armed robbery in 1979, larceny in 1989, forgery and embezzlement in 1991, forgery and larceny in 1994, and possession of a hypodermic needle or syringe in 1995, the filing noted.
Carl Smith’s indictment was one of 118 brought by Coakley through a statewide grand jury and others in Suffolk and Bristol counties. The alleged scheme involves three health care companies, ten individuals, and $10 million fraudulently obtained, largely from the state Medicaid program.
State Rep. Marty Walsh, who attended the Port Norfolk meeting, said he was troubled by the allegations. “I question what kind of program he’s actually running there,” he said. “If he’s defrauding the government, is he defrauding the clients as well and not providing them with services?”
Describing four unrelated cases, state prosecutors said Adlife Healthcare of Framingham allegedly billed the state for medical treatment to people who were deceased. Preventive Medicine Associates, and its owner, Dr. Punyamurtula Kishore, of Brookline, allegedly ran a “kickback scheme” with sober houses throughout the state.
Smith is accused of getting paid $34,000 in return for arranging the ordering of urine drug screening tests for which MassHealth paid Kishore and PMA more than $786,000.
According to the State House News Service, David Benson of New Bedford allegedly over-billed the state by making it seem as though his psychotherapy patients had more dire medical needs. Pond View Nursing Facility, in Jamaica Plain, was shut down in June 2008 for bad service, Coakley said, and its owner, Carolyn Wetterberg, was indicted for allegedly inflating the supposed medical needs of Pond View patients.
“They may as well be walking over to MassHealth and taking money out of the Treasury,” Coakley said about the four companies and the “separate but very serious violations of public trust.”
Asked about the extent of fraud in the massive program, Coakley said she was unable to provide a specific estimate but said, “obviously there’s a lot.”
Adlife, an adult foster care program, is accused of the biggest fraud, amounting to $5.5 million in which the company claimed adults, who would visit during the day, were round-the-clock patients and billed the state for patients who are actually dead. Adlife had offices in West Springfield, Dorchester, and Hyannis, but Adlife and the other accused companies are “not in business,” according to Coakley.
Preventive Medicine Associates was the next largest, accused of $3.8 million in unnecessary drug tests as part of a kickback scheme with sober houses in Dorchester, Malden, New Bedford and elsewhere that would contract with PMA to perform the unnecessary drug screens.
After the state shutdown, Pond View and the patients were moved to other nursing homes. Many of them reportedly needed help eating and walking, but in the move out of Pond View many were able to perform both those activities without any assistance, according to Coakley, who said, “We do not believe there were miracles performed after those patients left that nursing home.”
MassHealth, which runs the state’s Medicaid program, is budgeted at $10.3 billion, or about a third of the state’s budget. The 118 indictments, which Coakley described as difficult and expensive to achieve, accuse the four companies of defrauding about a tenth of one percent of the MassHealth budget.
Material from State House News Service was used in this report.
This Fool Punyamurtula Kishore MD aka MAD DOG was never licensed by Mass. Dept of Public Health to practice Addiction Medicine. Punyamurtula Kishore MD aka MAD Dog Millionaire is a fraud , , The American College of Addiction Medicine and the National Library of Addiction has never existed except on paper. Punyamurtula Kishore has been indicted by 3 Grand Juries for Medical Insurance Fraud , bribery and giving out and receiving kickbacks.He was involved in Corruption when he was the Medical Director at the Massachusetts Dept. of Correction , Martha Eliot Health Ctr , Roxbury Comprehensive Health Ctr. and his possess Medical Practice , Preventive Medicine Associates.formerly Addiction Medicine Associates. He used two entities he created on paper that never existed called the National library of Addictions and the American College of Addiction Medicine to advocate his emergence in the field of addiction medicine. This unscrupulous MD used and exploited his patients and employees for financial wealth. The only thing that MAD DOG MILLIONAIRE aka Punyamurtula Kishore cared about was making money at the expense of HUMAN misery
ReplyDeleteMAD DOG aka Punyamurtula Kishore MD was caught several years ago as he was preparing to flee the country.
ReplyDeleteDr. Punyamurtula Kishore had Preventative Medical Associates, a drug analysis center with offices throughout the state. He collected urine from others and did unnecessary drug tests. He was caught several years ago as he was preparing to flee the country. He is sentenced to 11 months in jail and ordered to repay $9.3 million to the state. He also lost his license. His attorney said that the good doctor "dedicated his life's work to treating, assisting and serving those who have suffered from addiction. He has taken responsibility for the billing errors at his clinics. He hopes that his accomplishments in treating those suffering from addiction will not be overshadowed by this." Lots of luck.