Saturday, March 31, 2018

New Horizon House, Carl Smith L.M.H.C.

New Horizon House, Carl Smith L.M.H.C. is a CROOK
New Horizon House, Carl Smith, Does Carl Smith care about the clients at New Horizon House?
Apparently he does not . Just look at what happen to James Clark . James Clark was a client at the same address where the Director/Manager Carl Smith resided at ,50 Draper Street in Dorchester MA.
Carl Smith is suppose to be a state licensed Mental Health Clinician , If so , than why did he discharge James Clark ?
James clark never tested postive for a toxicology screen for ille
gal or prescription drugs, than why was he discharged ?
He was discharged for behavioral and attitude problems that were related to his psychiatric and substance abuse diagnosis.
Carl Smith L.M.H.C. should have been able to detect that this man had psychological problems and referred him for treatment to MAD DOG aka Punyamurtula Kishore’s Neurological Clinic for treatment and to help James Clark get back on his psychiatric medication. Instead , Carl Smith discharged him and the following day , James Clark murdered his grandmother Eleanor Clark in Weston Massachusetts .
Punyamurtula Kishore MD aka MAD DOG Millionaire referred James Clark to Carl Smith’s Program New Horizon House after James Clark was Discharged from St. Elizabeths Hospital’s S.E.C.A.P.’s Detoxification unit.
Punyamurtula Kishore aka MAD DOG had a Contract with Carl Smith to provide New Horizon clients with Medical and Mental health Treatment. No treatment was provided except for toxicology screens . Carl Smith collected James Clark’s program fee and MAD DOG Kishore billed his insurance company . Carl Smith and Dr. Kishore donot care about thier clients or patients . The only thing they cared about was making money and more of it .
Carl Smith L.M.H.C. of New Horizon House is a liar and a thief.
He has a lengthy criminal record dating back to 1975 when he was convicted of armed robbery. He was sentenced to three to five years in state prison

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