Peter McCarthy of Steps to the Crack House a.k.a.
Steps to Solutions is a Liar and Crook .He accepted kickback money from MAD DOG MILLIONAIRE aka Punyamurtula Kishore MD , who was recently indicted by a suffolk county grand jury for medical insurance fraud . Peter McCarthy relapesed in 2009 , and he has not been clean for 15 years . Dr Kishore fired him from his company because he showed up to collect tox screens nodding after using opiates. He collected the tox screens and left them at the sober house, Do not trust him he is a dangerous man. PETER MCCARTHY IS THE BIGGEST JOKE IN THE SOBER HOUSE BUSINESS . HE IS GIVING THIS BUSINESS A BAD REPUTATION . HE IS A FAKE AND A PATHOLODGICAL LIAR. THE HOUSES HE OPERATE ARE INFESTED WITH ROACHES AND MICE . THERE ARE NO WASHERS OR DRYERS . THE PLACES ARE LOCATED IN DRUG AND CRIME INFESTED NEIGHBORHOODS. MANY CLIENTS HAVE RELAPSED AND DIED OR ARRESTED FOR TRAFFICKING DRUGS OUT HIS HOUSES . IF YOU DO NOT BELIEVE IT , TRY LIVING IN ONE OF HIS HOUSES. POLICE ARE CONSTANTLY AT HIS HOUSES ARRESTING PEOPLE. PLEASE DONOT PUT YOUR LIFE IN HIS HANDS.

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